2015-16 Organization of three association of PCTE college
Social Science Association:
I/C : Dr. Anita Sojatia
Science Association:
I/C : Dr .N.N.G Mathur
Language Association :
I/C : Mr. Kapilesh Tiwari |
29 July 2015: On the occasion of Guru Poornima, News paper the Time of India in his editorial “ My Teacher my guide “ was Publised about the Contribution of Prof. N.N.G. Mathur in the field of Teacher Education. This views was give by Dr. Anita sojatia. |
30 July 2015 : Plantation in our college Campus |
2 Aug. 2015: Annual Magazine “ Prashant 2015" was launched by Shri. A.L. Sehlot 'Registrar Pacific Medical University' , Dr. Hemant Kothari 'Dean P.G. Studies', Dr. Dilendra Hiran 'Director of F.C.A. ', Dr. N.N.G mathur 'Principal of PCTE' and Dr. Himanshu Mehta 'Principal Pacific college' , Udaipur. |
15 Aug. 2015 69th Independent day was celebrated in P.C.T.E. College. |
2014-15 Organization of three association of PCTE college
Social Science Association:
I/C : Ms Anita Sojatia
Science Association:
I/C : Dr .N.N.G Mathur
Language Association :
I/C : Dr. B.N. Soni |
15 August 2014:- flag Hosting by Dr. Mahendra Sojatia Director of Pacific college. Chitrukut nagar, Udaipur. |
18 Dec. 2014 - HasinaZ. Ali was awarded. II Prize in inter college debet Competition organized by Mateshwari T.T College, Udaipur. |
24 January 2015:- Basant Panchroi Programme was held in pcte college |
26January 2015:- Dr. Mahendua sojatia Director of Pacific college and Dr. N.N.G. Mathur Principal of PCTE college addressed to students. |
25-27 feb 2015:- Prof . karunesh Sexna, Diretor of F.M.S. MLSU was chief gust of "Jankar 2015” Programme |
28 March 2015:- A Seminar “ Tips of Success in IInd grade and REET Exam “ was organized by Sojatia Competition Classes in Pcte college. |
2013-14 Organization of three association of PCTE college
Social Science Association:
I/C : Ms Anita Sojatia
Science Association:
I/C : Dr .N.N.G Mathur
Language Association :
I/C : Dr. B.N. Soni |
18-20 July 2013 Ms Anita Sojatia attended ICT workshop held at Vidhya Bhawan G.S Teachers colege (CTE), Udaipur |
16 - 17 August Ms Anita sojatia attended seminar on "Developing new strategies in Social Science (in the light of NCF 2005, 09 ) held at Vidhya Bhawan G.S teacher College (CTE ) Udaipur |
18 August Ms Anita sojatia Presented papers in national seminar on evalution as a tool for quality assurance held at vaidya shri MM patel college of education, Ahmedabad. |
22-27 August 2013 Dr B.N. soni from PCTE college Udaipur deliverd a lecture on Importance of Goal setting with dead line in Induction Programme held at vision school of Management , Chiitorgarh. |
5 September 2013 Dr B.N soni Deliverd a Talk their in lions club Rishabhdev as a key note speaker . |
12 September New Session (2013-2014 ) of PCTE college was Started by Shri Rahul Agarwal, secreatry of pacific unversity with all enthusiasm. |
30 January 2014- Dr. B.N. Soni has been Appointed as a academic facilitator by the National Institute of Open Schooling (N.I.O.S), Regional center Udaipur(Raj.) |
8-9 Feb-2014- Dr. B.N. Soni took part in the National Seminar on “ Teaching and Learning Issues and Challenges” Organized by the Vivekananda college of B.Ed. Dhuni mata, Mavli Road, Udaipur.(Raj.) |
9 Feb-2014- Faculty development Programme “Brain storrning session” was organized by Pacific University. All college staff was Participated in the Programme. |
25-28 Feb-2014- Dr. B.N. Soni has attented a English orientation Programme as a resource Person in English, conducted by Kamal Nishta Sansthan, Kolsia, Nawalgare, Jhunjhunu(Raj.) |
27 march 2014: Prof. N.N Mathur, Principal of PCTE college was honored with ‘ Life time Achievement Awaed” by Chittragupt Mathur Sanaj , Udaipur. |
5-6 April 2014: Dr. B.N. Soni has attended as a key note speaker & chaired one session a National Seminar on "Education for Peace and Development” Organized by Anjali Institute of management science, Etmatpur (Agra). |
21-23 April 2014- Dr. Anita Sojatia attended Faculty Development Programme “ Audit Yourself for Effective Teaching’’ was organized by Pacific Institute of Hotel Management, Udaipur (Raj.) |
22 may 2014- Farewell Programme for B.Ed Students was organized on 22 may 2014 by PCTE College |
2012-13 Organization of three association of PCTE college
Social Science Association:
I/C : Ms Anita Sojatia
Science Association:
I/C : Dr .N.N.G Mathur
Language Association :
I/C : Dr. B.N Soni |
29-30 Nov 2012 and 9-10Jan 2013 District level career days Pre training programme wrere organised by Pacific University and Department of Education office - I and II Udaipur.. |
1 December, 2012 Ms Anita Sojatia attended Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) workshop held at Delhi Public School in Udaipur. |
2 - 3 December, 2012 Dr B.N Soni Attended seminar and chaired session on "Whether self financing Instituion help Improving Quality in Education ? "held at Shanti Niketan College of Business Management and Computer Science in Tehra (Agra) |
2 Feb 2013 In Govt. Upper Primary School Rakampura Bal Sabha was organised by PCTE college's student In this programme Dr. N.N.G Mathur was chief guest. |
22-23 Feb 2013 Prof N.N.G Mathur and Ms anita Sojatia attended International confrence on Challenges for Industrial survial and Growth in India and global Perspective held at Pacific Institue of Business Studies and Wonder Cement Ltd, Udaipur |
26-28 Feb 2013 In Ashwarya Chal Vaijanti -13 Pupil teachers of our B.ED college Ms Anjali Sharma won second Prize in debete competion and pooja bhana won Third prize in Poster Competiton. |
13 - 14 April 2013 Ms Anita Sojatia and Sheela Salvi attended and presented papers in Inter National Seminar on " Re-Examing Teachers Education in the Light of Globel Perspective" held at Lokmanya Tilak Teachers Training College Dabok Udaipur, Raj. |
30 June 2013 "Golden Educationist of India Award 2013 "recevied by Pro Dr N.N,.G Mathur Principal of PCTE college in a programme conducted by National and International Compendium for outstanding achivements in the field of education. |
2011-12 Organization of three association of PCTE college
Social Science Association:
I/C : Ms Anita Sojatia
Science Association:
I/C : Dr Bharti Sharma
Language Association :
I/C : Mr.Kapilesh Tiwari |
1-5 December, 2011 “ District Level carrer day Pre -Training Programe was organized by Pacific Unversity and Education Department, Udaipur.. |
Compulsory Activiites Like : Micro Teaching, Practice Teaching , Demo lesson, Block Practice ,Tutorial Classes were conducted as per schedule for the students. |
2-3 December, 2011 Dr B.N Soni Attended seminar on "Women Education" and worked as a resource person at Vaidya Shri M.M Patel College of Education Ahmedabad (Gujrat). |
4-5 Feb, 2012 “ Prof N.N.G Mathur , Ms Anita Sojatia and Dr .Bharti Sharma attended and presented papers in National Seminar on " Women Empowerment; Challenges of 21st Century held at Rajasthan Mahila Teachers Tranning College in Udaipur . |
17-18 March, 2012 Prof N.N.G Mathur, Ms Anita Sojatia Dr.Bharti Sharma and Ms Sheela Salvi attended and presented papers in National Seminar "Challenges of Quality Management in Education held at Mantram Teachers training College Kamali (girva) Udaipur |