2017-18 |
Mr. K.S. Vyas(Director of PCTE) Written Articles as Follow:- 1)Eduction Messages in BHAGAWAT GEETA Published in Naveen Shodh Sansar, April, 2018. 2) Teaching Learnes and Curriculum(In Reference to GEETA) Publish in TTMA Tracks, International Research Jouranal, June, 2018. |
Mr. Dilip Singh Chouhan Written Article Village- Indian Culture and Followship Was Publishe in Direction of National Development in Indian Scevario. |
2015-16 |
Mr. Kapilesh Tiwari Attended National Conference on "Consumer Behavior in Hospitality and Tourism Industry" 7th and 8th August, 2015 at Pacific College of Hotel Management. |
Mr. Dilip Singh Chouhan Attended National Conference on "Consumer Behavior in Hospitality and Tourism Industry" 7th and 8th August, 2015 at Pacific College of Hotel Management. |
Dr. N.N.G. Mathur was given a extension lecturer in workshop on “ Modern Concept in Methodology of History Teachings “ held at. LMT.T. College Dabok, Udaipur. |
Dr. N.N.G. Mathur was given a extension lecturer in workshop on “ Modern Concept in Methodology of History Teachings “ held at. LMT.T. College Dabok, Udaipur. |
Dr. N.N.G. Mathur. Attended National Seminar on “ Gender Sensivity and Education “ and worked as a resource person. Dr. Anita Sojatia Vice Principal of PCTE College also attended and presented a paper in this Seminar. |
Dr. N.N.G. Mathur, attended National Seminar on” Aphelion growth of the pupil teachers through open Ambience in Teacher Education. Dr. Anita Sojatia also attended and Presented a paper in this Seminar. |
“Best personality of India Award Nov-2015” received by prof. N.N.G. mathur |
2014-15 |
Dr. Anita Sojatia attended workshop on” Administration and planning in Education “ held at Vidhya Bhawan G.S. Teacher college (C.T.E.) Udaipur . |
Dr. B.N. Soni from PCTE College, Udaipur delivered a Lecturer on “ How to get success in life” organized by Vision School of Management, Chittorgarh. |
Dr. Anita Sojatia delivered a Lectures on CCE workshop as a CCE expert held at Vidya Bhawan G.S. Teacher college (C.T.E.) Udaipur . |
Prof. N.N.G. Mathur, Dr. Anita Sojatia and Mrs. Sheela Salvi Attended and Presented papers in National Seminar on “ National and Social Development through Teacher Education “ organized by Krishna Mohila Teachers Training College and MLSU, Udaipur . |
Mr. Kapilesh Tiwari Attended and Presented papers in International Seminar on “ Ethics and Values in Resources Management” organized by Pacific University and IRIRE, New Delhi. |
Prof. N.N.G. Mathur Dr. Anita Sojatia and Mr. Kapilesh Tiwari Attended National workshop on “ Research Methodology " organized by Lokmanvya Tilak T.T. College, Udaipur (Raj.) |
Prof. N.N.G. Mathur ,Dr. Anita Sojatia and Mrs. Sheela Salvi Attended and Presented papers in National Seminar on ’ Education for Enhancing Ethics and Excellence, organized by faculty of management (P.U.) and IRIRE, New Delhi. |
Prof. N.N.G. Mathur and Mr. kapilesh Tiwari Attended and presented papers in National Conference on “ Contribution of Bappa Rawal in Preservation and Development of Indian History and culture ”
organized by History Department, Faculty of Social Science and Humanity, PAHER University.
Prof. N.N.G. mathur Attended NAAC Awareness workshop. Organized by the IQAC of MLSU, Udaipur. |
“On the Occasion of International Women Day, Vanshika Janani Alankran Award 2015 “ received by Dr. Anita Sojatia given by Mahaveer Yuva Manch, Udaipur. |
“Vidhya Shri Samman 2015” received by Dr. Anita Sojatia, given by Shri Mahaveer Yuva Manch Sansthan, Udaipur, for award of Ph.D. |
2013-14 |
"Life Time Achievement Awards- 2014” Received by Prof. N.N.G. Mathur given by Chittragupt Mathur Samaj , Udaipur. |
Dr. Anita Sojatia had Successfully Participated. In Faculty Development Programme “Audit yourself for effective Teaching “ was organized by Pacific Institute of Hotel Management, Udaipur (Raj.) |
Dr. B.N. Soni Attended Seminar on “ Women Education “ and worked as a resource Person at MM Patel College of Teacher Education Ahemedabad (Gujrat) |
On the of Teacher’s Day (5 Sep 2013) our College Lecturer Dr. B.N. Soni delivered a talk their in Lion’s Club, Rishabhdev as a key note Sepeaker. In this way we brought laurels to our Teacher’s College. |
Dr. B.N. Soni has been appointed as a Academic Facilitator by the National Insitute of open schooling (NIOS) Regional Center Udaipur. |
Dr. B.N. Soni has attended a English Orientation Programme as a resource Person in English. His Teaching topics were on “ Method and Grammer “ This Orientation Programme was Conducted by Kamal Nishtha Sansthan, Kolsia. Nawalgrd , Jhunjhunu (Raj.). |
Dr. B.N. Soni took part in the National Seminar on "Teaching and Learning: Issues and challenges” organized by the Vivekananda College of B.Ed Dhuni Mata Mavli Road, Dabok, Udaipur (Raj.) |
Faculty Development Programme “ Brain storring Session” was organized by Pacific Group of enhance teaching Learning eco-system to focus at improvise teaching, research, student engagement, Promoting Problem, based learing, Gration of intelluctual property and ensuring Qualitative and Quantitative improvement in admission. All College staff was Participated in this Programme. |
Mrs Anita sojatia attended ICT workshop held at Vidya Bhawan G.S teacher college (C.T.E), Udaipur |
Ms Anita sojatia attended Seminar on " Developing new Strategies in social science (in the light of NCF 2005, 09)" held at Vidya Bhawan GS teacher College ( CTE ) Udaipur. |
UGC Sponsored one day National Seminar "Evaluation as a tool for quality Assurance " was organized by Vaidya Shri MM Patel college of Education, Ahmadabad. Ms Anita sojatia was presented paper in the national seminar. |
Dr B.N soni from PCTE college udaipur deliverd a lecture on "Importance of goal setting with a Deadline " Inducation programes held at Vision School of Management Chittorgarh (Raj) |
On the teachers days (5sept 2013) our college lecturer Dr B.N soni Deliverd a talk Thier in Lions Club Rishabhdev as a key Note Speaker In this way he brought laurls to our teachers college |
2012-13 |
Mrs Anita sojatia attended Continuous and Comprehensive Evalution (CCE) workshop held at Delhi Public School in udaipur (Raj) |
Dr B.N Soni attended Seminar and chaired session on "whether self Financing Institution help Improving Quality in Education ? "held at Shanti Niketon College of Business Management and computer science in Tehra (Agra)
Prof N.N.G Mathur and Ms Anita Sojatia Attended International Confrence on "Challenges for Industrial Survival and Growth in India and Global Perspective" held at Pacific Institue of Business Studies ( Paher unversity ), Udaipur ( Raj ) |
"Ms Anita Sojatia and Ms Sheela Salvi attended and presented papers in international seminar "Re-examing teachers education in the light of global perspective " held at lokmanya Tilak Tecaher's Training College Dabok udaipur. |
"Golden Educationist of India Award 2013" received by Prof N.N.G Mathur; Principal of PCTE College in a programme Conducted by National And International Compendium for Oustanding Achivements in the field of Education. |
2011-12 |
Prof N.N.G Mathur , Ms Anita sojatia and Bharti Sharma Attended and presented papers in National Seminar on "Women Empowerment : Challenges of 21st Century " held at Rajasthan Mahila Teachers's Training collage in Udaipur (Raj) |
Prof N.N.G Mathur ,Ms Anita Sojatia , Dr Bharti sharma and Ms Sheela Salori Attended and Presented Paper in National Seminar on " Challenges of Quality Management in Education" held at Mantram Teacher's Training college Kamali (Girva) ,Udaipur (Raj) |
Dr B.N Soni Attended Seminar on "women Education" and worked as a resource Person at Vaidya Shri MM Patel college of Education, Ahmedabad (Gujrat) |
"Adhumik Prashasti" And "Best man Award 2012" received by Prof N.N.G Mathur, Principal of PCTE collage in programme conducted by Freindship Forum of India New Delhi for out standing achivements and contribution at a seminar on economic growth and national Unity. |